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What is the nature of God? According to what we find in scripture, it is critical to understand. We journey through the scriptures and modern revelation to try to gain a better understanding of who God is. Why He does what He does and how and where we can see examples of His nature in our own lives.
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---Our Sources---
1 John 4:8 - God is love.
The True Nature of God - Elder Holland
Genesis 1: 26-27 - Created in God’s Image
John 17:21 - United as one
John 17:3 - Life eternal to know God and Christ
1 Nephi 11 - Nephi sees and learns about God’s love and the nature of God
Acts 7:55-56 - Stephen sees God and Christ
The First Vision - Joseph Smith quotes on seeing God.
The Godhead and the Plan of Salvation - Dallin H Oaks
Psalm 82:6 - Ye are gods
Fathers: A God-Given Role | Come unto Christ - We can know God as we participate in a parental role on earth.
Challenge: Develop a better understanding of God’s love for you.
Next Time
What is Love? Baby don’t hurt me